
羊文漪 聖弗里安《貧窮人聖經》耶穌童年時期8則敘事圖像

Yang, Wen-I

De- and recontextualization of the Old Testament: the childhood of Jesus in St.Florian’s Biblia pauperum


林洪錢  細覺˙心視域-視覺隱喻與身體醒覺

LIN  Hung-Chien

A Delicate Sense , A Mind Vision:Visual Metaphor and Body Awakening


謝忠恆  臺灣林朝英文人畫題材與閩習風格

Hsieh Chung-Heng

An Analysis on Lin Zhao-Yung’s Literati Painting and Min Style.


莊哲彥  古璽考釋二則

Jhuang Jhe Yan

Ancient Seal Analysis


林武成  淺析府城畫師潘春源的社會資源-天壇「經文社」

Lin Wu-Cheng

Tainan’s artist PAN CHUN-YUAN’s social resources—Analysis of the relevance and contexts of JING-WEN club in Temple of TIAN-TAN


洪松木  東晉至清代「破體」書法現象考察

Hung, Song-Mu

The lnspection of The Phonomenons of the Blend style Calligraphy From Eastern Jin Dynasty to Qing Dynasty


小勝望  吳昌碩與沈石友往來書信所示的兩人關係

Kokatsu Nozomi

The Relationship between Wu, Chang-Shuo and Shen, Shi- You from Their Letters


許佩純  〈文學與藝術:鈞特·葛拉斯創作特展〉之展呈紀實

Hsu Pei-Chun

Literature and Art:Gunter Grass Special Exhibition:

A Curatorial Documentation


王惠汶  自然意象與書法的聯結應用

Wang, Hui-Wen

Connecting and Applying Natural Images to Calligraphy


劉瓊玩  慈暉寓象─水墨畫創作研究

Liu Chiung–Wan

Maternity in Visual Art – A Study on the Creation of Chinese Ink Paitings