
01.松宮貴之 在董其昌「畫禪室隨筆」里看見的禪思想和向日本的傳播―關於那個思想的整理和對日本黃檗禪林的影響 


Zen thought seen by Dongqichang " Huachanshisuibi" and  spread to Japan-About the organization of that thought and its influence on the Japanese Huangbo Zen


Takayuki Matsumiya



02.林洪錢 隱逸的寫意精神–工筆寫實性的抽象語意


Ethereal Spirit Of Freehand  Painting: Abstract Style Of Fine Brushwork





03.莊元薰 王藍亭 空符號的無盡表述—以符號學觀點論 Andreas Gursky 的攝影藝術


Infinite Semiosis of Blank Sign –Exploring Andreas Gursky's Photography Art from the Perspective of Semiotics


Chuang, Yuan-Hsun/ Wang,Lan-Ting



04.陳思婷 由《高砂文雅集》看台灣日治時期文人書畫交往及活動


From "Gaosha Wen Ya Ji" to see the literati calligraphy and painting in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation period and Activity research





05.朱錦澤 自然生成與理性把控的表現——中國畫中「沒骨法」的現代探索


The exploration of modernity in China's painting -- the creation of multiple fusion





06.林淑芬 郎世寧〈畫山水〉之風格偏向研究


A Study of Giuseppe Castiglione’s Stylistic Preferences in his Landscape Painting 





07.林如熙 老蓮無一可移情‧越水吳山染不輕─淺析陳洪綬《隱居十六觀圖》


Lao Lian Wu Yi Ke Yi Qing.Yue Shui Wu Shan Ran Bu Qing An Analysis of Ch’en Hung-Shou’s〈Yin Ju Shi Liu Guan tu〉





08.舩田聖也 西漢元鳳六年志石書法初探


A Preliminary Study on the Calligraphy of Tombstone in the Six Years of Yuanfeng in Western Han Dynasty





09.徐顯德 泰國拉瑪三世時期寺院壁畫的中國元素初探-以皇子寺大戒殿壁畫為主


Chinese Elements on the Murals in King Rama III Period -the Case of Wat Ratchaorotsaram


Tanes Naipanich 



10.凌春玉 議論精絕 書法要妙 康里巎巎《草書述張旭筆法卷》內文釋義初探


A preliminary exploration of the interpretation on Kang Linao Nao’s inside text discussing Zhang Xu’s cursive Style (1295~1345)





11.陳正治 妙合、天趣–自動性技法之於水墨創作本質之實踐


Synthesis and Nature Charm —The Practice of Automatic techniques in the Essence of Ink Painting Creation.





12.楊企霞 「時空·穿梭」―意象山水繪畫創作研究


An Investigation of Image Landscape Painting: Traveling Between Time and Space





13. 楊  昕 焦慮•靜穆―水墨創作研究


「Anxious and Solemn」Research of Creation in Painting and Calligraphy Arts





14. 林碧麗 凝眸處‧花開自在─繪畫創作究


Gazing at the Ease of Efflorescence:A Study of the Creation of Painting





15. 林素慎 髡殘漁隱圖之探討


The Research of Kun Can’s Fishing- Hermited Paintings

