
01.曾肅良  湧動的靈魂 張萬傳魚畫風格演變研究

Tseng, Su-Liang

Flowing in the Mind----Research on the Style of Fish Painting by Chang, Wan-Chuan


02.黃俊嘉  從「閩習」視角看臺灣書畫藝術變遷與發展

Huang, Chun-Chia

The Change and Development of Taiwan's Calligraphy and Painting Art from the Perspective of Fujian Customs


03.莊哲彥 林文彥  戰國古璽考釋與補說四則

Chuang, Che-Yen / Lin,Wen-Yen

Study in Ancient Chinese Seal No.5


04.韋佳  明清印學家對刀法的認識與品評


Scholars’ Knowledge and Comment on the Seal-Cutting Skills in the Ming and Qing Dynasties


05.石垣美幸  日本受容異國文化的藝術手法—「見立」—

Ishigaki Miyuki

The Artistic Techniques for Japan's Reception of Foreign Cultures - "Mitate"


06.李孟學  《山水純全集》的三遠觀

Li, Meng-hsueh

The Three Distances of Shanshuichunquanji


07.林淑芬  郎世寧繪畫中的色彩計畫初探-以〈畫花底仙尨圖〉之樹幹和


Lin, Shu-Fen

Analysis of Color Design on Giuseppe Castiglione Painting-Taking Painting of Long-haired Dog Beneath Blossoms and Gathering of Auspicious Signs as an example


08.袁啓陶  清劉熙載《游藝約言》書論中藝術審美的創作觀


On the artistic aesthetic creation in the Calligraphy Theory of Liu Xizai "enquirer"


09.郭懿嫺  修辭格轉換於圖像應用之研究

Kuo, I-Hsien

Establishment of the Rhetoric of images


10.陳彩雲  蝶舞.青花-陳彩雲水墨工筆人物畫創作研究

Chen, Tsai-Yun

Butterfly dance.Blue and whiteA Study of the Figures in the Ink Painting by Tsai-yun Chen


11.陳曉勲  無聲寄懷—陳曉勲繪畫創作研究


Expressing Feeling Through Silence—A Study of Chen Hsiao-Hsun’s Paintings


12.曾華翊  潛入社會─繪畫創作研究

Tseng,Hua- Yi

Ink Painting About the Life of Dogs in Human Sociality


13.游惠雅  繪畫性書法線條的神秘能量 第二篇 中國書法中的繪畫線條

Yu ,Hui-Ya

The Mysterious Energy of Painterly Calligraphic Lines Part II: Painterly Lines in Chinese Calligraphy


14.鄭佩玉  淺談臺灣海濤與海石之美–以東北角海岸景觀轉化水墨繪畫之研究

Cheng-Pei Yu

The Beauty of Taiwan’s Wave and Rock–A Study of Transforming Northeast Coast Landscape into Chinese Ink Painting