
01.林文彥 古璽校遺《國立歷史博物館藏印選輯》釋文訂補(古璽篇)

Study in Ancient Chinese Seal No.6

Lin. Wen-Yen


02.黃俊嘉 淺析書法藝術創作中的對應關係

An analysis of the correspondence of calligraphic art creation

Huang, Chun-Chia


03.陳思婷 清末台灣書畫風格研究

A Study on the Style of Taiwan Calligraphy and Painting in the Late Qing Dynasty



04.賴文隆 金文「 弭」字考—兼論弭器斷代問題

The research of “” in Chinese Bronze Inscriptions ―And the question of a division of history into periods in the study of “” in bronzes



05.孫國欽 傳統楹聯與書法美學關係之探討

Discussion on Relationship between Traditional Couplets and Calligraphy Aesthetics



06.林家男 顏真卿〈劉中使帖〉寫作背景考辨

A Study onImperial Commissioner Liu LetterWriting Background of Yan Zhen-Qing



07.林如熙 觀圖知警丁觀鵬〈畫唐明皇擊鞠圖〉

The Enlightenment of Drawing─Ding Guan PengHwa Tang Ming Huang ji ju tu



08.涂進財 《周易》對繪畫美學的啟發-以明清山水畫為例

Aesthetic Inspiration of Zhou Yi: Case Studies of Chinese Landscape Paintings in Ming and Qing Dynasties



09.陳俋佐 宋人所見漢、魏篆書的形式—以洪适《隸釋》、《隸續》為例    

The manifestation of Han and Wei seal scripts in Song Dynasty’s view -A Case Study of "Li Shi" and "Li Xu" by Hong Shi



10.葉成漢 西潮情境下台灣當代水墨畫創作中的「人文」與「鄉土」意涵—以黃光男的作品為例

The Implication of Humanismand Localismin Taiwan's Contemporary Ink Painting Creation in the Western Culture Trend Situation——Take Huang Guangnan's Works as an Example



11.吳奇軒 智內兄助繪畫之奇想與古典

A Study of Kyosuke Tchinai’s PaintingFrom Classicality to Eccentricity



12.李仁杰 花語.心境-工筆繪畫創作研究

The Whisper of Flowers and the Expression of Emotions-A Study in the Creation of Gongbi Paintings by LEE JEN-CHIEH



13. 林昱彣 王藍亭 扁平化設計在手機介面圖像之辨識率研究

A Study of Recognition Rate for Mobile Phone Interface Icon in Flat Design Style

Lin,Yu-Wen/ Wang,Lan-Ting