
01.陳維德 先鋒本石鼓文章句今釋


A new translation and explication of Stone Drum large seal scrip ture



02.林文彥 古璽披遺(三十則)—《匋鉩室藏古璽印選》釋文訂補(古璽篇)


Study in Ancient Chinese Seal No.7.

Lin, Wen-Yen


03.游惠雅 韓愈〈石鼓歌〉對書法藝術之影響


The Influence of HAN Yu – Ode to the Stone Drum Inscriptions on Calligraphy Art.



04.韋 佳 明清印論中的秦代印風


Seal-Cutting Art of the Qin Dynasty in the Seal-Cutting Theory of the Ming and Qing Dynasties



05.陳信良 秦簡「句」、「茍」、「殳」、「弓」、「乃」、「夃」旁的構形考察與書法研究


Configuration and Calligraphy Analysis of the Side 「句」、「茍」、「殳」、「弓」、「乃」 、「夃」of Chinese Character on the Qin Bamboo Slips 



06.林如熙 天真爛漫─吳學讓現代水墨鵝畫


The Naivety of Drawing─ Wu Hsueh-Jang Modern Painting of Goose.

Lin, Ju-Hsi


07.陳翡娟 狂亂與瀟灑—從祝允明書寫方式談鑑賞


Derangement versus élan - A discussion of the appreciation of Zhu Yunming’s writing style

Grace Chan


08.李羿慧 迷幻生境─李羿慧繪畫創作研究


Landscape of Fantasy Emerged from A Psychedelic Dream-The Study of Lee Yi-Hui's Painting



09.林佳諭 林佳諭之彩墨創作論述


Practice-led Research in Ink Painting by Lin,Jia-Yu



10.游玉婷 金澤子卿之書法藝術研究


A Study on the Calligraphy Art of Kanazawa-sike



11.林秀鑾 觀景・圖騰—林秀鑾膠彩繪畫創作論述


Totem˙Observation˙Contemplation-A Study of Painting

Tung Lin,Hsiu-Luan


12.邱雪玉 生命的樂章-邱雪玉水墨創作之研究


The Rhythm of Life : A Study on the Creation of Chinese Ink Painting by Chiu,Hsueh-Yu

Chiu, Hsueh-Yu


13. 蔡梅雀 虛境創真—意象水墨創作研究


Creative Presentation of Reality Based on Fantasy World -A Study on the Creation of Image Ink Paintig

Tsai, Mei-Chueh


14. 陳嫣虹 雄逸與姿媚:王羲之書法風格形成探索


Powerfully flowing and attractively elegant: the exploration of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy style
